Let me introduce myself, I’m Emily

I am from a small town near Manchester, England and I am based here. 

From a young age I have always been into sport, whether that was football, netball, cricket, athletics, rounders and even ballroom and Latin dancing. I enjoyed every sport I tried particularly sprinting and dancing. I danced until I was 17, I enjoyed the freedom sport gave me. From a young age it’s always been a form of therapy for me. 

I stopped being active for a few years, after battling some mental struggles and having my son, I took up boxing. I got in the ring 7 times, I know hold 5 wins and a championship belt. 

Not long after I found boxing, I found weightlifting too. I qualified as a personal trainer alongside of it and that was 6 years ago! 

In that time, I have taught countless of classes from circuit training, kids boxing, boxercise. I have coached many men and woman  1-2-1 and helped with their goals. 

Last year in 2022 I branched out into online coaching and most recently, comp prep coaching and posing coaching also! 

As my passion and love for the gym grew, so did my goals. I decided through covid that I wanted to compete, I wanted to be mentally and physically challenged. 

In July 22 I stepped on stage for the first with pure elite in Manchester where I placed 2nd in one of my categories and earned my pro card!

8 weeks later I competed again with Ukdfba in the bikini class, again, placing 2nd. I have plans to compete again in 2024 

Fitness as a whole is a passion of mine and I truly believe it’s not just a physical journey but very much, a mental one too. I love seeing people grow mentally as much as I do physically. But in order to learn and grow you have to break boundaries and step out of zones that make you feel uncomfortable. No matter what the goal maybe!

Work with Emily & Bikini Diva Coaching